The Salvo Code

As a Salvo Code Dealer we undertake to abide by the Salvo Code which comprises of the following points:
- Not to buy any item if there is the slightest suspicion that it may be stolen.
- Not to buy knowingly any item removed from listed or protected historical buildings or from sites of scheduled monuments without the appropriate legal consent.
- To record the registration numbers of vehicles belonging to persons unknown to it who offer items for sale, and to ask for proof of identity.
- Where possible to keep a record of the provenance of an item, including the date of manufacture, from where it was removed, and any previous owners.
- To the best of its ability and knowledge, to sell materials free from toxic chemicals, excepting those natural to the material, traditional to its historical use, or resulting from atmospheric pollution.
- To allow its business details to be held on a list of businesses who subscribe to the Salvo Code and to display a copy of the code and their Certificate in a public position within their business premises.
Read more about the Salvo Code